The River Clyde is the heartbeat of Glasgow. It runs through the centre of our city. This is a beautiful run as it passes lots of amazing landmarks and crosses under 12 different bridges. Rail, walking and road bridges. It even goes under the busiest motorway in Scotland, The M8. Because of the tide times, generally speaking, there is one good time slot per day for high tide. As a rule of thumb we enter into the water from the slipway, on the right hand side of the Riverside Museum, one hour before high tide and paddle down to the weir at the start of Glasgow Green. High tide usually hits by the time you arrive at the weir and then as the tide goes back out you travel with it. See the map for exact route.
To Infinity and Beyond
The Finnieston Crane stands proud in the west side of Glasgow overlooking The River Clyde. It is a symbol of the heritage of engineering in our city. It is a disused cargo crane and was used to load exports onto steam locomotives that transported goods around the world. It was commissioned in June 1928 and finished in 1931. Back then it cost £69,000 to build.
Paddleboards take quite a bit of thought in their building. The engineering that has gone into creating inflatable paddleboards has changed the accessibility of boarding all over the world. The Finniston Crane is part of the logo for the business because it is such a great landmark in our city. It is also in part of it because it reminds me of construction and engineering and how it is so important in the creation of paddleboards. Having good boards that balance well and help us to enjoy the water takes a great deal of thought. Sea Lion Boards have done this incredibly well in their range of eco friendly boards. Engineering lights for under the board also takes thought and we’re working hard to have a product to sell this year for people all over the UK... and further. My wee boy is obsessed with Toy Story. Buzz Lightyear has been reminding me that the sky is the limit with his ever famous phrase.
📸 Craig W Wood Photgraphy
2020 was a strange year. For so many it meant loss and change in negative ways. For me it meant working from home and teaching children in a new way. It allowed thinking time. Freed up travel time and put my head into overdrive. It wasn't all bad even if it was terrible for seeing family in Inverness and Northern Ireland and for social times with friends more locally, but it massively opened up head space and time for other things and new adventures, albeit from within my own home and with the use of social media. From that overdrive a wonderful partnership with Will, one of the directors of Sea Lion Boards began. The engineering and build of their boards is incredible. As a company they are very passionate about the protection of our planet and they build boards that take that into consideration. The deck mats are actually made out of bloom algae that is grown!
In March/April time we will have our very own fleet of Sea Lion Paddleboards which is very exciting. As time passes, this business is growing and with that we want the best equipment with the best engineering with sustainable products that not only last but that look after our planet too. Exciting times ahead. Hopefully my wife will continue to have enough patience for this to continue to grow, while I continue to work full time as a primary teacher but also as she herself grows our second child. As child one continues his obsession with Toy Story, his passion for Buzz's flying ability will encourage me to continue my passion for creating opportunities for people around Glasgow to paddle.
2021 - this is gonna be a great year!